See Some of Our Brands on Growth Club

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We are Growth Club.

the Kings of Franchise Transparency

We have been helping franchise prospects GROW into
franchisees for more than 15 years. This is why you use us:

Honest & Transparent Franchise Consulting: We don’t tell you that we work with you for “FREE”.

Coaching Without a Requirement to Buy.

We Don’t Lead the Witness: Our inventory is not the only brands we will connect you with.

How Growth Club Works

You wouldn’t buy a home without an agent. We are your franchise coaches.

Plan, dream & budget, Book a Discovery Call:

We will get to know your passions, your financial bandwidth and financial goals. Schedule A Call >

Aligning with your

We will present 3 brands that align with your goals, with at least one brand not in the Club

Making the right connections

We will make a warm connection to the franchise to give you faster pathway to getting to yes or no.

Three Ways We Work with Candidates

Growth Club Concierge

Club Level


$0 for 3 Discovery Calls and Brand Presentations

Club Level


Project review, we will help answer questions through the entire process

Club Level


Book us to attend a discovery day with you

Find the Right Franchise
Scale that Franchise
Build Wealth

Every great franchisee had help. Franchisees turn to Growth Club to leverage its 100+ years of franchise experience to help navigate the difficultly of finding the right franchise opportunity.

We coach without a requirement to buy

No one offers coaching, franchises, or even a lunch for free. We grew weary of the deceptive claims made to franchise buyers who were on the brink of investing their entire savings into a business they had minimal control over. This led us to embark on a mission to enhance transparency in the sales process and shed light on the true nature of franchising.

We don’t lead the witness

In many sales situations, you say you are passionate about “pizza” yet are told you should buy another industry. Why? Higher commissions are paid by that brand. This is unfair to you. You end up being convinced that your “personality” is a fit. Why do we take this approach?

Transparency in How We Make Money

When buying a franchise, you pay a franchise fee. Fees have skyrocketed over the last few years to pay commissions to the broker who said they “coach you for free” and then to the outsourced sales team who is NOT on the franchisor’s team, We have a flat commission. Here’s why:

Two ways to start

Book a planning call with the Growth Club Team

Fill Out Our Information Form

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